Step through our Welcome Center, home of the 56-million year old Cedaredge Mosasaurus, and into the past. The Surface Creek Valley Historical Society, with the help of hundreds of minds and willing hands, have created an outstanding museum campus of more than five acres with 24 buildings and countless displays. Pioneer Town Museum represents the historical period of the late 1800’s through the mid 1900’s.
Pioneer Town is a genuine community project, thanks to a lot of hard work, donations, memberships, admission fees, and many fund raising events. Work has been provided by a great number of dedicated volunteers, local contractors, and work groups from the honor camp.
The three wooden silos welcome you to Pioneer Town and are on the National Historic Registry of Historic Places due to their unique multi-sided construction. These silos, built in 1916 & 1917, are still in their original location and were part of the Bar-I Ranch.
Ring the bell atop the Sand Creek Schoolhouse. Now imagine the nine children trying to settle down for the night in their 1886 log cabin.
Stroll down the wooden boardwalks of old Main Street, and stop in the well-stocked historic Coalby Store where pioneers picked up supplies, mail and the latest town news.
Just down the way, don't miss the Charles States Museum and see a variety of displays from needlepoint to one of the largest dinosaur footprints ever found. Imagine trying to squeeze into the narrow shoes at the Girling Mercantile.
Keep an eye out for the sheriff, and don't get into trouble! If you do, you might just end up in the original, unheated 1906 jail. Now that you've been warned, step into the Lizard Head Saloon and belly up to the bar. Rest your bones as so many travelers have done over the years. But remember the bar is closed during court!
Just ahead, feel the love and painstaking craftsmanship that went into making the handmade dolls in Doris' Doll and Toy House. Picture the Indians knapping the projectile points that now comprise one of the most extensive chipped stone collections you'll ever see at the Sutherland Indian Museum. Before you go, see the historic Austin Train Depot and our working Blacksmith's shop.